Electronic Forms
Check-Secure technology can offer a simple and inexpensive electronic (laser) form alternative to expensive e-form and e-check printing systems on the market today. Check-Secure has the ability to store form overlays, signatures, logos, special fonts (such as MICR, barcodes and signatures), all of which can be called and overlaid in an cross-platform, accounting software independent, and laser printer independent environment.

Check-Secure is platform and laser printer independent, since it can be moved from host to host and printer to printer, as needed. Other printer storage devices - flash cards, DIMM cards, hard drives, etc. - on the market will be built into the printer. Check-Secure can simply be plugged into the new laser printer with all the stored resources in place.

Check-Secure can be ordered with a simple designer to design forms or check overlays, logos, signatures, etc. Once the forms and graphics are complete, they can be simply programmed into a Check-Secure removable flash card, and called from the printing application.

ACCEL Technology provides technical assistance to integrate Check-Secure into any printing environment to handle most any electronic form requirements.

Accel Technologies
30162 Tomas #101
RSM, CA 92688
(800) 693-3933 Toll Free
(949) 709-5838 Local
(949) 709-5839 FAX

©1998-2025 ACCEL Technologies, Inc.